NDN Collective is an Indigenous-led organization dedicated to building Indigenous power through organizing, activism, capacity building and narrative change. They create sustainable solutions on Indigenous terms and uphold the principles of regenerative and just economies that are both led by and serve Indigenous communities. NDN utilizes storytelling to lift up stories of Indigenous movement-building, disrupt false narratives, and build indigenous power.
SWAHA supports NDN’s regenerative economic principles which include the interconnectedness of all things, indigenous self-determination, indigenous ways of knowing, honoring of place, equity and justice for all people and the planet, and recognition of timelessness and responsibility to the future. For this reason, SWAHA provides NDN Collective with funding for climate justice campaigns. These campaigns assist Indigenous and front-line communities in defending their resources from contamination and people from exploitation and violence. NDN Collective has a proven track record of success, and skillfully organized against the building of the KXL Pipeline.